Mentors lead you to success
Who is a Mentor? Why is it vital to have a mentor in life? What a mentor-mentee relationship is all about? How a mentor can help us maximize our potential and excel in life? How organizations get benefit from mentorship programs? Is the mentorship a new term to the world?
Mentor is one who sees the real potential hidden inside us and then guides us in a way as could let us flourish with our own unique skillset rather than what mentor wants us to be. And when mentee starts refining his actual potential, career growth automatically starts following and he gets himself heading towards greater feats and thus excel in life in the end.
Now, some organizations have started mentorship programs for their employees like Abbott laboratories, etc. Such a program helps sharing of similar knowledge to the employees in the same organizations to let them better understand the actual culture and demands of that organization from employees so that they could better equip themselves accordingly. Such an approach may reduce the employee turnover rate and create a smooth legacy. Mentorship is not something novel to the current world. Since the old ages, man has been availing the mentorship.
Every person in the world needs a mentor in life to flourish in life. Even the great personalities of the world did and do have mentors in life, for instance, Former Google CEO, Larry Page, received career-shaping advice from Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs served as a mentor to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Mother Teresa was mentored by Father Michael van der, etc.
So behind every great person or successful person, there had been a mentor who kept lightening his/her mentee’s path by his/her advice and skill sharing. A mentor can be anyone like your sibling, father, mother, Uncle, friend, colleague, teacher and of any age. Your mentor can be your junior or senior.
You must have the humility to first have a mentor and then to seek advice from that mentor, only then we can reap the actual benefit from the mentor.
My brother and father have been just like mentors to me especially my brother who is a Software Engineer with vast field experience. I am really inspired by his enormous analytical and problem solving faculties.
My brother always lets me learn new things in life by sharing knowledge and pushes me to do something which I think I can’t. Throughout my life so far, he has been a great support to me. Whenever I am in a trouble, he is there to help me get out of that with asking me to learn lesson from every life experience, be it a good or bad experience. I seek advice from him for many things. My brother and father also instilled their positivity in me to a good extent. And I am quite open to show humility to learn something new from brother and seek advice regarding anything. And that experiences actually made me what I am today i-e, a person who wants to learn something from every experience and a person who thinks there is always a room for improvement.
Humility is vital if someone wants to get the most out of mentor-mentee relationship. Without humility, you may have advice from your mentor, but your relationship with mentor would not be so effective and sustainable as it should be.
Mentors have the power to change the mentee’s outlook towards life. Mentors lets you know how to extract light out of darkness. Mentors lets you develop the courage to face adversity quite openly. Mentors can give you emotional support. Mentors can teach you to always stand after the fall with renewed enthusiasm. That is how Mentors not only helps in your personal growth and development but also career growth.
Mentor-Mentee relationship is actually an altruistic act which is the actual beauty of this relationship thereby making it mutually beneficial for both mentor and the mentee.
On a concluding note, I want to say, we can not achieve success alone, we need a guide in life. So we should seek at least one mentor in life and with humility build a tight bond with him to get the most out of the relationship.