
Ahsan Azam
3 min readFeb 22, 2019


Procrastination is delaying of something which needs to be accomplished. Procrastination makes us less productive as we keep wasting much of our our time in useless or activities of not much moment. Procrastination makes you do the task in very short time with lots of stress in mind and letting us end up with less quality work.

There can be scores of techniques to get rid of this ever haunting ghost of procrastination. Out of all those techniques, one is ‘Pomodoro Technique’ invented by ‘Francesco Cirillo’ in the early 1980’s. The word ‘Pomodoro’ is italian for ‘Tomato’. It consists of four steps or components viz,

  • Timer (set the timer for 25 minutes)
  • Turn off all interruptions (e.g, mobile, social media apps etc.) and then
  • Focus
  • Reward (as the timer tings, give yourself some reward e.g, web surfing, using Youtube etc for 3–5 minutes)

After going through four steps, repeat the same steps until the timer tings fourth time and then take a long break i-e, 15–20 minutes.

I thought to give it a try and so I did. I set a target before setting the timer. I thought to learn ten vocabulary words in first 25 minutes. So I set the timer and started off. During first 25 minutes, I had to bear a little bit of side noises which I wrote down on paper and immediately after that I returned my focus to task. When the timer rang, I had almost done my work. I took a five minute break and then started again for ten more words. This time, I could feel little less side noise and some random brain thoughts but I completed my task in 17 minutes and then kept repeating until the timer tinged. I took 5 minute break and started again to view a video on Punctuation spanning 16 minutes. This time around, I again had some random thoughts for some seconds but actual focus was not compromised. I completed my task till the timer tinged.

Regarding my experience of this experiment, I should say that it is very handy tool to bust procrastination, gain more focus and accomplish task in a deadline. It was not much difficult for me to perform this experiment. And I think it helped me to accomplish more stuff in a limited and short time like I could able to learn 20 English Vocabulary Words and Punctuation Usage within very short time which normally I could do in a much longer time and less focus. Another plus of Pomodoro is ‘Time Management’.

There was something I should have taken notice of, the quiet place to improve my experience and to get most out of it. I’ll try to incorporate this technique into doing different tasks while busting procrastination. The most beautiful thing I felt was ‘the focus’ i-e, I was more focussed.

I can conclude as The Pomodoro technique has three big advantages viz,

  • Time Management.
  • Procrastination Buster
  • Lets us attain more focus



Ahsan Azam
Ahsan Azam

Written by Ahsan Azam

Seeking the Seeker inside me.

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